William Foster (editör), THE RED SEA AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES at the Close of the Seventeenth Century as
described by Joseph Pitts, William Daniel and Charles Jacques Poncet. Joseph Pitts, William Daniel and Charles Jaques Poncet
, Hakluyt Society, London, 1949. xxxvii, 192 s, 2 katlanır plan (Mekke/Kâbe ve Habeşistan), 1 harita, 22 x 15 cm, bez cildinde.
This book consists of the narratives of three 17th travellers in Arabia. They are: Joseph Pitts who, after spending more than
fifteen years in captivity in Algiers, travelled from Algiers to Mecca. Pitts was the first Englishman to visit Makkah and Madinah
in Arabia; William Daniel who travelled from London to Mocha in Yemen; Charles Jaques Poncet who travelled from Cairo to
Abyssinia. Also included is De Brevedent’s account of the journey to Sennar, etc, and an Appendix on Ovington’s description of
several Red Sea Ports.